Aliexpress price tracker - free extension for shopping on AliExpress
See a product's price history for the last six months. Follow the price of a specific item. Receive notifications of price reductions.

Aliexpress price tracker

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160 000+ users 300+ reviews

Extension features - product price history for the last 6 months
Extension features - track Aliexpress prices of a specific items
Extension features - price change notifications
Added to Chromeit's free

Recommended by Chrome Webstore

160 000+ users 300+ reviews

Make great bargain purchases on Aliexpress with AliHelper. Track prices and choose the best products

AliHelper is a free extension for the Aliexpress website that tracks price changes on AliExpress and helps you save money. For 7 years we have been helping users to choose great deals from reliable sellers. Just click the "Add" button and the extension will load on every AliExpress store page.
Aliexpress price trend graph

AliExpress price history checker

We keep an archive of prices for 6 months for each product. Aliexpress price history helps you determine when the price of an item was most cost effective.
How to track price

Tracking price and alerts

Just click on the star when AliHelper is in compact view. Or on the "+ Monitor the price" in the "Price Change" section. And you will receive notifications when the prices of your selected items go down.
List of tracked parcels

Parcel tracking

Track the delivery of shipments. The extension will send a notification when an order arrives.
Detailed seller rating

Real seller rating

We calculate the objective rating of each seller based on many factors: customer reviews, age of the store, quality of goods, etc.
Easily view reviews
List of similar products

Similar products and reviews

View similar products of other sellers, their rating and price trend. A compact display of reviews, filtered by price, country and buyers' photos will help you make a final choice.

Everything for comfortable use

Clear interface

User-friendly and intuitive interface

Manage your tracking

Editable list of tracked orders

Store rating on the product photo

The rating of each store is indicated on the photo of products. This will help you avoid unreliable sellers at the search stage

Flexible settings

Flexible settings will help you adjust AliHelper to your needs

The extension is launched directly on the site

Information about price changes, seller ratings, similar products, etc. is built into the AliExpress interface in a noticeable but unobtrusive way.

Frequently Asked Questions

A seller in the product card can put any price "before discount", thus creating the illusion of a significant benefit. Aliexpress price history shows how the price of an item has actually changed over the last six months. Sometimes it turns out that the price is usually lower and you should sign up for alerts to find out when it will drop again. AliHelper browser extension is an assistant for tracking prices on Aliexpress online, which checks the price of items daily. If the price goes down, you get a notification. Aliexpress price alert will help you not to miss out on bargain purchases.

Click on the penultimate section on AliHelper if it's in compact form. Or on "Price Change" if it is in the extended form. White color on the chart indicates insignificant price fluctuations, red - increase, green - decrease. Graphical display of price changes is an easy way to see past prices on Aliexpress, keep up to date with price changes for selected products and make profitable purchases. AliHelper - a handy and free Aliexpress price tracker extension will help you with this.

Go to any product page - popular or necessary for you - and open AliHelper. See how the price has changed recently. In 97% of cases, the "before" price listed on the product card won't be real. The price may not have actually changed. There are situations where sellers even raise the price of an item during or before a sale. Be careful, check prices before buying! Keep an eye on Aliexpress price changes, compare product prices to save even more and find the best deals during sales!

Let your price change graph be always green!

Start saving money today.

Added to Chromeit's free

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