Aliexpress Seller Check - seller rating in extension
Calculating the seller's real rating. Seller rating on each item. Seller rating on the product page.

Aliexpress Seller Check

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Verification the reliability of Aliexpress store
Aliexpress store rating for each product
Aliexpress seller verification on the product page
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Make profitable purchases on Aliexpress with AliHelper. Buy only from reliable sellers.

AliHelper is a free extension for checking sellers on Aliexpress, evaluating store ratings, monitoring price changes and tracking parcels. We have been helping users to choose great deals from the best vendors for 7 years. Just click on the "Install Free" button and the plugin will appear on every page of AliExpress store. You can download it on any popular browser.
Calculation of real Aliexpress seller rating
The real rating of Aliexpress store

Real seller rating

We calculate our own objective rating of sellers on Aliexpress, based on many factors: customer reviews, age of the store, quality of goods, speed of delivery and so on. The rating is calculated as a percentage. The higher the rating, the more trust the seller deserves. There are 3 levels of trust: high (green), medium (yellow), low (red).
AliExpress seller ranking in extension
AliExpress store rankings in extension

Seller rating on all AliExpress pages

Evaluate the reliability of Aliexpress vendors at a glance. The store rating is added to the search, catalog, and product pages in a collapsed extension.
Aliexpress price dynamics

Aliexpress price dynamics

We keep a history of price changes for each item for the last 6 months. Check when the cost was most favorable.
Price tracking

Price tracking

Just click on the star when AliHelper is in compact view. Or on "+ Follow Price" in the "Price Change" section. And you'll get notifications when the prices of your selected items go down.
Aliexpress package tracking

Parcel tracking

Track the movement of postal shipments. The extension will send an email or notification when your order arrives
Easily view reviews
List of similar products

Related Products and Reviews

View similar products from other sellers, their rating and price trend, and a compact display of reviews, filtered by price, country and buyers' photos will help you make a final choice.

Everything for comfortable use

Clear interface

User-friendly, intuitive interface

Manage your tracking

Editable list of tracked orders

Store rating on product photo

The rating of each store is indicated on the photo of the goods. This will help you avoid unreliable sellers at the search stage

Flexible settings

Flexible settings will help you adjust AliHelper to your needs

The extension runs directly on the website

Information about price changes, seller ratings, similar products, etc. is built into the interface of Aliexpress noticeably but unobtrusively

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to find reliable sellers on Aliexpress and check the store before buying? Methods for vendor self-verification:
    • Rating of stores on Aliexpress - on the English version of the site is indicated without further explanation. It may be inflated by the seller;
    • Product Rating - only available for products that have reviews. It can also be inflated by the merchant;
    • The number of orders of a product is an important criterion for checking out a store. The more often customers order a product, the more reviews it has that you could examine for a well-rounded purchase. Be wary of offers that have less than 20% of the number of orders, as this may be evidence of rating tweaking;
    • Buyer Reviews. To find a reliable seller on Aliexpress also try to carefully analyze reviews, remembering that this is only the subjective opinion of individuals. Buyers can argue about the advantages and disadvantages of the product without understanding it; use such vague formulations as "high-quality", "ugly", etc. Focus on concrete facts ("works fine", "it came broken", "the screen is broken", etc.) and attached photos.
  • Sellers verification with AliHelper
    AliHelper is a free browser extension for checking sellers and calculating the rating of each store on AliExpress. To check the Aliexpress store for reliability, pay attention to the following criteria:
    • Matching the goods to the description - shows how well the items that come to the buyers correspond to the information and photos posted in the product card;
    • Willingness to make contact with the buyer - refers to the frequency and speed with which the seller responds to questions and messages;
    • Timeliness of shipment of orders;
    • The age of the merchant. If the store has been on the platform for about a year or more, it has earned a certain loyalty of buyers and will be more attentive to its reputation;
    • Percentage of customers dissatisfied with their purchases.
  • Sellers verification on AliExpress before making a purchase - a guarantee of safe and reliable shopping. Remember that attention to details is the key to successful purchases on AliExpress.

Aliexpress is a marketplace, i.e. a platform where thousands of online stores put up their trade offers. Each of them has its own notions of business methods and service, someone does not dare to raise prices and put up fake discounts on sales, so that buyers overpay for the goods, someone descends to fraud of varying degrees of severity and can send garbage instead of a valuable purchase. Checking a seller on Aliexpress for reliability will partially protect you from negligence or malice. It is important to check the actual rating of the store to find a reliable store.

The store rating on the site is calculated every six months. It is the percentage ratio of 4* and 5* customer reviews out of all reviews. Overall, verifying the reliability of the seller on AliExpress is an integral part of a successful purchase and ensures safety, quality, and confidence in your choice.

Above, we have thoroughly examined several methods on how to check stores on AliExpress. These methods will help you find a trustworthy seller. Use the AliHelper app, read reviews (not only for the product you are going to buy, but also for others from the range of this store), compare the photos attached to them with those posted in the product card. Check how long the company has been in existence. Retailers who have been working on AliExpress for a long time are usually more reliable. Pay attention to the number of successful transactions made by the seller. High turnover may indicate long-term business activity and customer trust. Checking the store against all these criteria will help you choose a reliable seller on AliExpress. Be attentive in your choice, and if something seems suspicious, it's better to look for another store.

There are many ways to cheat a buyer. If the seller asks you in messages to pay something in addition to the cost of the order (customs fees, expedited shipping, etc.) - it is always just an attempt to cheat you out of money. Buy appliances only if a particular sales offer has a lot of reviews, pay attention if buyers write that they received the equipment with different characteristics. Even if such reviews are few, there is a chance that you will be among the deceived customers. Also, do not agree to close the dispute until you receive the goods or a refund for it, do not fall for any entreaties of the retailer. Don't make deals with those who want to profit from you! Use AliHelper extension to check sellers.

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