Why is Aliexpress in arabic

Aliexpress is one of the largest online stores in the world. Sellers there offer many products at affordable prices. Today, it operates in more than 200 countries and in 18 languages, including Arabic. Why is Aliexpress in Arabic?

The answer is simple – in recent years, countries in the Middle East, including Arab countries, have become very active consumers of online shopping. Using Arabic on Aliexpress allows us to meet the needs of millions of Arab consumers. Make it easier for them to find products and make shopping more accessible and convenient for them.

If you want to know how to change the Arabic language to your own, follow this link.

Почему Алиэкспресс на арабском


By the way, although Aliexpress tries to be a site that is loyal to the buyer, not all sellers there are conscientious. Some of them provide phony discounts. Some manipulate buyers, begging them to close the dispute. Find trustworthy sellers with our free AliHelper extension. This is a free extension for your browser.

Using Arabic is also a step towards cultural and linguistic diversity. It is extremely important for global business and social development. Aliexpress wants to be accessible to everyone. And using Arabic on its platform helps to attract more Arab sellers. And strengthen ties with Arab consumers. This, in turn, enhances Aliexpress’ competitiveness and growth in the global marketplace.

In addition, the use of the Arabic language also helps to improve the quality of service for Arab shoppers. When people can understand and communicate in their own language. It is easier for them to navigate the platform, find the products they want. Read product descriptions and reviews. And they can get help from customer service. As a result, customers from Arab countries feel more confident. And comfortable when shopping on Aliexpress.


Overall, using Arabic on Aliexpress is a profitable move that helps the company strengthen its ties with Arab consumers. Expand its customer base and increase its competitiveness in the global market. It would be a big mistake from Aliexpress’ point of view to ignore many potential buyers. So putting Arabic on the list of supported languages is the right decision on the part of the Chinese store. Now you know why Aliexpress is in Arabic.

Maria Kolman
Digital marketer and author with 10 years of experience. A regular AliExpress shopper since 2015, I have made over 350 orders and won 23 disputes with sellers. I study the nuances of buying and selling on the Chinese marketplace, share the information and latest news I gather. I help AliExpress shoppers find great deals and win disputes. I answer questions in the comments.
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