How to find products on Aliexpress

Aliexpress is one of the largest online marketplaces for buying directly from Chinese manufacturers. However, finding the right product can be a daunting task. Here are some useful tips and best practices to help you find products on Aliexpress among thousands of offers.

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Use keywords

Enter keywords related to the item you’re looking for into the search box on the Aliexpress homepage. Be specific and use different variations of keywords. To get more accurate results.

Apply filters

Once you have your search results, you can apply filters. To refine your results. Filters can include product category, price range, seller scores, item scores, and more.

Read the product description

Read the item description carefully to learn all the specifications, dimensions, materials. And other information about the product. This will help you compare different offers and choose the most suitable product.

Look at the pictures

Based on pictures of the product, you can get a better idea of how the product looks in reality. Check to see if there are enough pictures. And whether they match the product description.

Read customer reviews

Feedback from other buyers can give you an idea of the quality of the product, the seller’s service, and the speed of delivery. Pay attention to reviews with photos and detailed comments. To get a more objective evaluation of the product.

Check seller rating

Seller ratings are an important indicator of reliability and trust. Choose sellers with a high rating and positive feedback from buyers. However, the rating on Aliexpress can be inflated. AliHelper will show you an objective, detailed Aliexpress sellers rating. This is a free extension for your browser.

Contact a Seller

If you have questions or need more information about an item, don’t hesitate to contact the seller. After all, quality seller service is also an important aspect when choosing an item on Aliexpress.

Check delivery terms

Take into account the delivery time of the product. Especially if you are going to order for a gift or event with a specific deadline. Find out about the shipping methods available, the cost, and the ability to track your order.

Compare prices and offers

Aliexpress offers many sellers and options for the same item. Compare prices, shipping terms, warranties, and other offers. To choose the most cost-effective option.

Check return policy and warranties

Before you place your order, check the seller’s return policy and warranty. Make sure they meet your expectations and provide protection in the event of problems with the product.

Following these tips and best practices will help you successfully find products on Aliexpress. Get a quality product at a reasonable price. And enjoy the pleasure of online shopping on this popular site.

Maria Kolman
Digital marketer and author with 10 years of experience. A regular AliExpress shopper since 2015, I have made over 350 orders and won 23 disputes with sellers. I study the nuances of buying and selling on the Chinese marketplace, share the information and latest news I gather. I help AliExpress shoppers find great deals and win disputes. I answer questions in the comments.
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