Which baby puree is better to choose

The choice of a baby puree depends on many factors. Including the age of the child, his preferences and health status. It is important to make sure that the puree contains enough nutrients and does not contain any harmful additives. Let’s discuss which baby puree is best to choose.

By the way, now you can buy baby puree even on AliExpress. But baby products should buy only from reliable sellers. AliHelper is a great way to find them. This is a free extension for your browser.

Какое детское пюре

Vegetable puree

If your baby is just starting to learn about the world of food, it’s best to start with vegetable purees. The first mashed vegetables usually consist of one ingredient, such as carrots or pumpkin, and are ideal for babies from 6 months of age. Later, other vegetables can be added. Broccoli or cauliflower, for example.

Fruit puree

When your baby becomes interested in fruit, you can try fruit purees. It is best to start with tender fruits such as apple or pear, and then add more exotic fruits. Such as mango or kiwi.

Combination purees

If your child has already tried fruits and vegetables. You can try combination purees that contain several ingredients. For example, mashed apple and banana or carrot and potato.


It is also important to make sure that the mashed potatoes do not contain too much sugar or salt. This can be harmful to the child’s health. It is better to choose natural products. Without preservatives and colorings.

Some parents prefer to prepare baby purees at home to control the composition and quality of products. This is a good option if you have the time and opportunity to prepare fresh food for the baby.

If your baby is allergic to any products. You should choose a puree that does not contain these ingredients. Usually on the package they indicate the composition of the product and the age for which it is suitable.

Another important aspect of choosing a baby puree is the ease of use. It is better to choose a puree that is easy to open. And suitable for use on the road or away from home. You should also pay attention to the shelf life and storage conditions of the product.


Finally, do not forget that puree is just one form of food for young children. It is important to give your child a varied and balanced diet. Including vegetables, fruits, cereals and protein products. It is best to discuss your child’s diet with a doctor or nutritionist. To make sure he or she gets all the nutrients he or she needs for health and development.

In general, choosing baby purees depends on your child’s preferences, age, and health status. It is important to choose natural products and avoid products that contain too much sugar or salt. You should also pay attention to the brand and manufacturer of the puree. It is best to choose products from trusted and reliable sources to be sure of the quality and safety of the product. Now you know which baby puree is better to choose.

Maria Kolman
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